I have been teaching writing since 2014. I have acted as both a writing tutor and an instructor of record. Currently, I run graduate writing workshops for UCI School of Humanities.
I recently completed
100 days of writing (1/20-5/29)
My goal: 1 hour a day for 100 days.
I wrote 1 hour for 97 days!
Applied to 2 grants
Finished the 1st chapter of my dissertation
Literature Review for Chapters 2 & 3
Outlined argument for Chapters 2 & 3
Applied to 1 summer workshop
Applied to 1 conference
Submitted 1 article to a journal
Applied to 1 graduate student researcher position
Wrote dissertation proposal
Defended dissertation proposal
Candidacy exam -- advanced to candidacy!
Other mentions
Wrote 1 fictional story
Ran a marathon!
I accomplished a lot and I received a lot of rejections.
With my writing group, I celebrate rejections too!
WHY? Because it means I sent something out.
Center for Ethics and Education graduate summer institute
Graduate Student Workshop that precedes Education Ethics: A Field-Launching Conference
UC National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement 2020-2021 Fellows Program
Publication into the Journal of Philosophy of Education
Center for Medical Humanities GSR Position 2020-2021
Simonton's Equal-Odds Rule: "The relationship between the number of hits and the total number of works produced in a given time period is positive, linear, stochastic, and stable" (Simonton, 1997, p. 73).
The only way to increase the chances of producing something great is to produce a lot.
Interested in celebrating your rejections? Join our writing group! Send me an email for more information.